註釋This is a self help book on how to teach yourself to control and in fact stop "your " use of Tobacco in any form once and for all. The author is a 59-year-old male who smoked 1 pack of Cigarettes each day for 22 years. That's 7300 cigarettes per year or in his case it was 160,600 cigarettes for 22 years. That's enough to make anyone sick and certainly has. From the age of 16 to 38 he always knew that one day he would eventually want to stop smoking and find a way to regain control of his life with respects to his one pack a day habit. While driving a truck in the middle of his normal work day back in the summer of 1986, he experienced some sudden fluttering in his chest and dizziness. Because he felt instant fear and out of control over this unexplained feeling he quickly made an appointment to see a cardiologist for a complete physical. Upon completion of his physical with his Doctor he was told he was very fit and in fine shape for a young man at 36 but that by the time he was 45 he could experience some real problems as he already had a wheeze. Even though there is no history of heart problems in his family being of Italian decent, and longevity was well established with parents who lived to almost 90 and grand parents who made it to 95 and 100, his concerns grew. He felt threatened by the thought of heart trouble from smoking because he once witnessed two men die right before his eyes from heart attack, and both men happen to be heavy smokers. His fears began to take their toll rapidly with the doctor's simply advice to