The Secrets of Creative Self Talk
註釋How to Speak Your Way to Wealth, Health & Prosperity! This book will reveal to you the secrets of creative self talk! You will learn how to shift from the majority of negative self talk to positive and empowering self talk. This transition will allow you to grow and develop your self image and self belief. You will be developing habits through the use of self talk to create more automatic behaviors and actions which will bring you more desirable outcomes. This will empower you to begin to achieve the life you truly desire! You will learn self talk statements for Wealth, Health and Success, and establish a daily self talk routine which will give you the power to change your life in the direction you desire it to go! Our conversations we have with ourselves truly have the power to shape our circumstances, and thus, our reality. This book will help you to take control of your inner dialouge, and with consistent effort, you will see big changes in your outer reality much sooner than you realize!