Agony of Humankind and the Antidote

Our world is in agony. What's the antidote and how do we inject it?

There are billions of good people with a desire to do what's right and thousands of proposed solutions to the dilemmas that assail our planet. Why can't humankind make more progress toward stable prosperity and peace of mind for all peoples? Somehow, something is holding us back, putting a damper on initiatives and good will.

The Bible refers to a Serpent as the culprit behind human mind manipulation and sorrow. But who wants to take the Bible at face value, especially when it refers to a talking animal and the myth of a tree with forbidden fruit?! The narrative appears as whimsical nonsense, an affront to critical thinking.

Sam Kneller takes you behind the scene. English, or any other translation, cannot do justice to the original scriptures. He reveals a unique method to unlock Bible meaning with his acclaimed study course, 7 Keys to master Biblical Hebrew.

You can easily grasp the deep meaning behind the reality of a malevolent spirit being. A conquering tyrant wielding awesome powers. Discover the Serpent's strategy as the all-time best influencer of human consciousness. It broadcasts fake news and counterfeit wisdom directly into the human mind. Our worst nightmares don't hold a candle to the corruption and confusion it disseminates with uncanny ease. We unsuspecting, naïve humans lap it up like a pack of thirsty jack-asses as the lions crouch, ready to pounce on a mentally abused prey.

On the bright side, the life-saving antidote is readily available, but humanity is blind to its presence, wisdom and potency. Learn how to take the blinders off, see the obstacles and overcome the fiery dragon. It can be done, but will we have the insight, stamina and fortitude to exercise our free will and follow that positive pathway?

Now you can explore the original significance of Biblical Hebrew, like Sheli, "It is something I have been searching for, a way to get past the translations and get to the deeper meaning of God's word."

Don't settle for just any How to Fix Humankind books that invade the bookstores. This straightforward, no-holds barred, deep-dive into the why and what of the spiritual disintegration behind our planet's turmoil is a must read. Journey from the dark of deceit and despair, to the light of truth and peace of mind with honest, attainable how-to solutions. Engage in understanding the Agony of Humankind and identifying the Antidote to save our nation and answer the big questions in life.