Boarding Time
註釋The political intrigues and the resulting detention of the father of Nana Karikari a young girl in their country and the trauma associated with this incident changes her life forever when her mother sends her to a boarding house, far away from the political upheavals of the day. Boarding Time is an adventure and interesting informative narrative about Nana’s experiences in the school in Ghana, West Africa. She and her friends mature as teenagers who through their experiences react to society both at home and at school throughout this novel. They learn firsthand about the disadvantages of giving in to peer pressure, first love, and the subtle nuances of bullying. Some of their escapades as they rebel at times to hit back at uppity and rude seniors though hilarious also teach them lessons they wouldn’t have learnt anywhere else. In addition, the reader is taken on a tour of this tropical country where white sand beaches and interesting landmarks are portrayed through the eyes of the students in their adventures, moving from the Ashanti to the Northern Regions, from the Eastern to the Greater Accra Regions, bringing out some of the tourist attractions this country has to offer to vacation seekers. The culture of Ghana is portrayed in colorful anecdotes certain to capture the imagination of the reader.