註釋The essay Post-Propaganda is a publication by the Fonds BKVB, it was written by visual artist Jonas Staal. His argument is based on the deep-rooted relationship between the art institution and politics, a relationship that goes unacknowledged by both parties. The art institution refuses to question its supposed autonomy and to consider the way it functions from the perspective of socio-economic interests. Conversely, politics refuses to give up its untenably neutral position with respect to the arts. Politics persists in the ideal of a 'free' and 'independent' art, in spite of its far-reaching and direct interference in both funding and content. In doing so, politics denies its direct responsibility and power as the actual commissioning client of the art institution. The central question of this essay considers the precise nature of the political interests that bring about its involvement with the arts. It also asks how art currently functions as a means of political propaganda.