L'artisanat textile au Néolithique
l'exemple de Delley-Portalban II (Suisse) 3272-2462 avant J.-C.
出版Editions Monique Mergoil, 2000
主題History / Europe / General
註釋The site of Delley-Portalban II was discovered under the submerged waters of Lake Neuchatel in Switzerland in 1858. Occupied from the early Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age, the site contained important evidence for the development of the textile industry over this period. This report focuses on finds from the site associated with textiles, including loomweights, spindle whorls made from stone, clay and antler, as well as textile fragments, and their quantities and distribution. Medard draws on this evidence to aid his interpretation of textile-related activities at the site and its possible intensification over time. Summaries in French, English and German.