Me Time shares the lives of five successful women struggling with adversities, they retreat to St. Thomas to regroup and find answers. Join Kayla, Mercedes, Savoy, Rhamya and Deville on this unforgettable journey.
Kayla stumbles over some mysterious payments being sent to an account in Memphis, Mercedes learns her late husband's accident may not have been an accident after all, Savoy is busy building her law firm-but not without a price, Rhamya's faith is being tested and could shatter her family's future forever, Deville after years of running, comes face-to-face with the ghosts of her past, will she finally be able to let both of them go?
Me Time is a must read for all women alike who needs an escape. Married, single, saved or unsaved, we all need to exhale sometime and what better way than with true friendship on the sandy shores of the U.S. Virgin Islands. No matter where life takes you, always remember, you are a virtuous woman and never neglect to schedule your...ME TIME Today!