The Bible speaks of a time unparallel to any other-The Time of Jacob's Trouble or The Great Tribulation. Mainstream Christianity teaches the restrainer that is ascribed to holding back the powers of darkness is the Holy Spirit and since the Holy Spirit resides in them, they believe that they will be removed from the earth in rapture. Only then will Anti-Messiah appear.
Missing the Mark: How and Why Mainstream Christianity Will Be Deceived in the Last Days, the first book in a series, uses biblical references to prove that not only is it scripturally inaccurate to believe a select few will be removed from the Earth in a rapture, it is unnecessary. Author Susan Mahoney reveals the true restrainer and explains why the Church is under heavy spiritual darkness. Using a strong Scriptural foundation and hard facts of recent history,Mahoney reasons under this cover of this darkness, Satan has already constructed the outline of the one-world system and prepared the citizens of the earth for the unveiling of his man.