Fleet Management and Selection Systems for Highway Maintenance Equipment
註釋This synthesis report will be of interest to Department of Transportation (DOT) administrators, supervisors, equipment, and Management Information System (MIS)/Information Technology (IT) managers and staff, as well as to the engineering and MIS/IT consultants that work for them. It reviews that state of the practice, updating an earlier effort, NCHRP Synthesis 52: Maintenance and Selection Systems for Highway Maintenance Equipment. The synthesis addresses highway fleet maintenance issues in management, equipment, staffing, and technology. It describes the trend toward more sophisticated and complex MISs and reports on DOT efforts to develop more systematic approaches to measure equipment effectiveness and to incorporate this quantitative technology, successfully, into daily operations. This TRB report profiles specific state agency experience in hiring and retaining mechanics, staffing levels, management system complexity, and technologies. Sample shop work load and productivity reports from the Montana DOT are included.