Tales from Bush Graves – Winton

As the country to the north of Australia was being explored and taken up by men from Victoria and New South Wales hoping to make their fortune, other men were making their way out west, also keen to make good.

Sesbania was one of the earliest selections taken up by John and James Nisbett. Douglas Harper was working on Sesbania, when he shot himself, whether accidentally or purposely is unknown. He was an Overseer, and died on 12th November, 1878. This is the earliest recorded death in this book.

William Russel Myers was a shearer probably working on Manuka, or making his way there. He died from exhaustion and thirst on 3rd December, 1878.

George Laxton who was a blacksmith, died at Mills Creek, also from thirst and exhaustion. He was probably walking to the next job, but died on 16th February, 1879, and was buried at Mills Creek, on Manuka.

These three were just the beginning of dozens of men, women and children who lost their lives through thirst, exhaustion, accident, fever and murder.

This book was written to record their lives and deaths in the Winton area of western Queensland.