Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Mathematics Tests

Excel Test Skills - Selective Schools and Scholarship Mathem atics Tests Year 5-6 is a comprehensive study guide for the select ive school and scholarship tests (usually undertaken in Year 6). The boo k contains hundreds of multiple choice questions based on the three majo r strands of maths - numeration, measurement and space - so students can prepare for exams with a minimum of stress and maximum resu lts.

This book is intended to give you the opportunity of doing a variety of questions based on the three major strands of Mathematics (N umeration, Measurement and Space). The more familiar you are with the ma terial the more confident you will feel - and the better you will do in your tests.

In this book your child will find:

  • an in troductory section on how best to approach selective school and scholars hip test examinations
  • hundreds of practice multiple choice ques tions
  • answers to every question
  • explanations that outl ine the thinking skills required for each question
  • nine complet e practice tests