
Can the world's biggest kid be man enough to get the girl?

Dr. Kristin Sharp spent her adult life working hard to overcome the stigma of being a social outcast. Now she has accepted the job of principal in a small upper Midwest community as the crowning achievement of her flourishing career in education. On her first day, she encounters another misfit, Henry Hubbard, the school's janitor, who happens to be the biggest kid in the world.

Kristin is instantly charmed by Henry's unique connection to the schoolchildren-he's the fixer of their broken toys. She marvels at how much they love him but cannot bring herself to consider dating him. His lowly status and immaturity remind her too much of the past she's tried to hide.

Only after her life is turned upside down does Kristin embrace the antics of his childlike qualities. Ironically, Henry educates Kristin, helping her learn who she really is by teaching her the fun of simplicity as he knows it. Never in her sophisticated dreams did she imagine being swept off her feet by a scruffy man pushing a broom.