On the Other Side of Bitter
註釋On The Other Side of Bitter is written to encourage the many hurting women who have and maybe yet sacrificing and giving of themselves without benefit of any type of personal satisfaction. It is for those who now find themselves feeling hopeless, helpless, empty, older and without purpose. There are thousands of women with similar feelings. Some got this way by remaining in abusive relationships, remaining too long in unfulfilling positions of employment and others as the result of being a no longer needed dutiful wife and mother – to name a few. While feeling alone and isolated – they are found in every race, socio-economic station in life, religion, age and ethnicity. They are the educated and non-educated alike. Some are yet in these situations – in the workplace, in fancy homes and great careers, some even in the pews or positions of leadership at church. Some have exited these situations – some by choice – others forced. The one common denominator between them all is a hurting heart. Some of these women find their way into support groups or private counseling sessions. But, for the many throughout our nation that will not make their way into any group or private sessions – I write this book. Naomi quite possibly was a woman as described here. She, too, had sacrificed and given of her self to the point of becoming bitter. Like many reading this book, she might have thought she had her true feelings concealed. That is until the proverbial straw that broke the camels’ back happened. Her husband and sons died. She was left in a foreign land. A place where she might have gone out of duty to her husband – not desire. The liberties taken to portray what might have been the reasons for this woman, Naomi’s bitterness result from looking deeper into the things she spoke. Much can be detected if we would only listen to what a person says. But, maybe that is why so many with hurting hearts have become bitter.