Report of the Third Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party of Experts on Inland Fisheries
Bangkok, Thailand, 19-27 June 1986 : and Report of the Workshop on Strategies for the Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems : Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 June 1986
出版Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1986
主題Technology & Engineering / Agriculture / GeneralTechnology & Engineering / Fisheries & Aquaculture
註釋This document presents a review of the activities in inland fisheries during the intersessional period 1984-1986, and the results of discussions during the Third Session of the IPFC Working Party on Inland Fisheries, which met in Bangkok, Thailand, 17 to 27 June 1986. It also includes the Report of a Workshop on Strategies for the Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems, which met during the Third Session of the Working Party. Edited country status reports on inland fisheries and papers presented during the Workshop are issued as a supplement to this report.