The World through English is an English textbook for primary students. The
objectives of developing the book is not only to help your students to learn English, but also
to introduce them to some cultural and social differences of the world societies. Both you and
your students can find written and audio texts that display several different cultures from
different parts of the world, such as from Ireland, the USA, South Korea, China, Japan,
Caribbean Islands, African Continent, as well as from Indonesia. The goal of presenting such
texts is to indirectly help the students to be aware of and to accept such cultural and social
differences so that they can grow their sense of being tolerant to others.
The book is designed based on Kurikulum 2013. There are six units in this book
which are arranged based on the competencies of Kurikulum 2013 and the level of difficulty
of the language skills and components attached to each theme in each unit. Each unit is
equipped with two reading texts and an audio text that have suitable exercises to accompany
the texts. Explanations about tenses and sentence structures are also provided with abundant
examples for the students which are arranged based on their suitability to the theme of each
unit and their level of difficulty. The written and audio texts, as well as the exercises, provide
opportunities for the students to enrich their knowledge and to develop all of their four
language skills, that are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Teachers can still explore
the materials given in the book by offering self-developed activities to match their students’
proficiencies and learning situations.