A True Extraordinary Experience to Life and Death Trials and Tribulations
出版Xlibris Corporation, 2012-06-18
主題Biography & Autobiography / General
註釋I am no expert on this matter but I believed in my experience in this a lot of us had to make a lot of changes in our environment that did change our lives.

I believe if more of our young folks make this kind of decision things would be better off I know its not easy making changes in your life but if things are not going the way you want it to go change it and in my view changing your environment can change your life.

What does environment mean it means a lot of different things that can relate to your life.

Myself and Steph have been together over 25 years and we have been threw a lot and different changes in environment have been a part of it but with Faith and Love we moved forward to have a wonderful life together so enjoy our novel and look out for my second one.

Thanks and God Bless You All!