Becoming the King
註釋Becoming the King/Where's my father? is a book within a book. The story of a fictional prince who is being groomed to be a king and the powerful impact his life has on, Charlie, a young fatherless boy. Twleve year old Charlie has been content for far too long with just getting by. To momentarily pacify his mother, he begins to read a book that has actually been banned by his school. When he begins to learn about the abilities of the books main character, 8-year-old prince Henry, Charlie begins to re-examine his own life. Classroom windows that used to be wormholes to a world full of daydreams are covered over by the four pillars Resposibility, Integrity, Compromise and Leadership that Charlie learns from the young prince. As Charlie challenges himself, he finds a few mentors along the way that introduce some principles the book did not. With discipline and focus now on his side he realizes how easy it can be to achieve things he once thought so difficult, with or without a father to guide him.