註釋This third edition of Cement Chemistry addresses the chemistry and materials science of the principal silicate and aluminate cements used in building and civil engineering. Emphasis throughout is on the underlying science. The book deals more specifically with the chemistry of Portland cement manufacture and the nature of the resulting product, the processes that occur when this product is mixed with water, the nature of the hardened material, the chemistry of other types of hydraulic cement, and chemical and microstructural aspects of concrete, including processes that affect its durability. New to the third edition: - Microstructure, nanostructure, hydration mechanism, structure of calcium silicate hydrate and new models for hydration mechanism and micro- and nanostructure - Coverage of experimental work done using NMR, TEM, AFM, nanoindenter and molecular dynamics simulations - New chapter on alkali-activated cements and geopolymers, nanomaterials as additives in cement and recent emphasis on green cement (CO2 reduction, TiO2 to reduce NOx etc.) - Coverage of cements for use in nuclear structures with ion absorption properties