Guide? Me
David-Jan Jurasek
A Self-revelatory Research Inquiry Into Becoming a Drama Therapist
Concordia University
, 2005
The intention of this research paper is to communicate to the reader how the exploration of the role of the guide through the processes of qualitative research (heuristic and arts-based) and drama therapy (symbolic representation, story-making, role method, and self-revelatory performance) has affected the personal transformation and professional development of myself, a young male drama therapist. I will be describing the search and discovery of various findings about the guide role, especially in relation to the role of the drama therapist. I will also outline how a synthesis of the various drama therapeutic research methodologies contributed to my process of learning and growth. And finally, I will share with you, the reader, the various insights and gains I have received from this intensive journey into the heart of myself. This work is presented to inspire you (colleagues, artists, seekers, finders, guides and clients alike) to search and become your own guides as well as to understand more intimately this process through the eyes of a researcher and drama therapist.