A Defence of the Ministers Reasons, for Refusall of Subscription to the Booke of Common Prayer, and of Conformitie. Against the Severall Answers of T. Hutton ... in His Two Bookes Against the Minist: of Dev. and Cornwell. W. Covel ... in His Booke Against M.J. Burges. T. Spark ... in His Brotherly Perswasion to Unitie and Uniformitie. (F. Mason ... in His Sermon Upon 1 Cor. Xiv. 40) ... The First Parte, Concerning the Holy Scriptures; the Second Parte, Concerning the Holy Scriptures and Apocrypha. (A Dispute Upon the Question of Kneeling in ... Receiving the Sacramentall Bread and Wine ... Or a Third Parte of the Defence, Etc., Against ... 1, D. Spark ... 2, D. Covel ... 3, T. Hutton ... 4, T. Rogers in His Two Dialogues, Etc.).