註釋The debate over the timing of the Rapture has not waned. Will the faithful Church be taken up before the Tribulation, somewhere in the middle of it, or at the very end? In this work, I show an incredible Biblical pattern that clearly indicates a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Along the way, further proof that there will be 7,000 years of human history corresponding to the seven days of Creation is offered. The last thousand years will be a sabbath millennium of rest instituted at the Second Coming of Jesus, and we are living in the brief window of time when the Rapture and Tribulation that proceeds this Millennial Reign of Christ must occur! The third section of the book answers some of the scientific objections to the Rapture, the 7,000 years, and some of the other literal history and prophecies of the Bible. It's time to wake up, because we are approaching the End of Days!