Insights on Global Challenges and Opportunities for the Century Ahead

Basic instinct of selfishness of human beings is the root cause of all the problems in the modern society. The enormous power of observation-based hypothesis, experimentation and extrapolation of results provided the success of humans in developing the technologies beyond imagination. Power of mind determinesdiscretionary attitude and behavior of individuals in the society. Culturing of the right attitudes in the young and youth needs to be imparted by quality education. All round development of young ones into responsible citizens of the globe can be accomplished with the right type of education consisting of Literature, Sociology, Mathematics, Economics, Science and Technology as well as Spirituality as important components. To address these issues insight opinions of eminent personalities across the continents are included in the volume entitled "Insights on GlobalChallenges and Opportunities for the Century Ahead"has been brought outon theoccasion of celebrating 25, 50 and 100 years of establishmentof Centre for Plant Molecular Biology (CPMB), Department of Genetics, and Osmania University, respectively.