註釋Acclaimed for her gripping explorations of the human heart, Fern Michaels has captivated readers with Celebration and her New York Times bestselling trilogy, Vegas Rich, Vegas Heat, and Vegas Sunrise. In her newest book, a sultry South Carolina landscape is the backdrop for a story of four childhood friends who must relinquish cherished memories of the past to embrace the painful truth that will change their lives forever...

On the eve of her wedding to wealthy local scion Wyn Archer, Callie Parker wanted for nothing. Raised on her father Clemson's South Carolina plantation, she was accustomed to a world of privilege in which her every desire was fulfilled. Life with Wyn promised to be a delightful whirl of luxury, beginning with their wedding. And that day would not be complete without the three people who had grown up with Callie under the sheltering branches of the angel oaks at Parker Manor.

There was Bode Jessup, part brother and part idol to Callie, whom her father rescued from an orphanage. She wanted one last chance to say goodbye to the boy who had grown into a successful lawyer -- and a wildly attractive man. Next was Brie Canfield, the freckle-faced waif whose dreams had come true when Clemson welcomed her into his elegant house as a playmate for Callie. Now an FBI agent with a life of her own, Brie welcomed a trip back to the only place she had ever thought of as home. Last was Sela Bronson, another impoverished child starved for love and grateful for the family she'd found at Parker Manor. An unhappy marriage was only one reason she wanted to return to the plantation where her earliest fantasies of love and happiness had been born.

Now Callie's childhood companionsare gathering at Parker Manor to celebrate her new joy, and to relive the charmed years they spent before adult life made its demands. Yet they cannot imagine the tragedy that awaits them. A terrible accident leaves Callie in a coma -- and Bode, Brie, and Sela unprepared for the shocking truths that surface in the wake of the crash. As the trio of friends discover how little they know of their beloved yesterdays, one woman's darkest secret threatens to tear them apart.

Full of insight and rich with memorable characters, YESTERDAY takes readers deep into the hidden places of the heart, where the past holds one too many illusions. Join Bode, Brie, and Sela as they cast off the last remnants of childhood and lead each other to a new understanding of family, friendship...and the kind of love that survives the test of time.