註釋 This investigation clearly indicated the advantages of using spray-on stabilizers on denuded slopes until vegetation becomes established. Three of the materials tested, Aerospray-70, Soil Seal, and DLR, were effective in establishing vegetation. These materials showed no adverse effect on germination. Bermuda grass in these sections emerged and propagated better than that in the control plot. Aerospray-70 and Soil Seal were the most effective in controlling soil erosion during the test period. The plant emergence and growth rate using Peneprime and Nerozin were below that obtained in the control plot. In conclusion, it is recommended that Aerospray-70 and Soil Seal be incorporated into some of the Section 32 Program demonstration projects for field testing. It is also recommended that spray-on stabilizers be considered for general use to inhibit erosion while enhancing plant emergence and early growth. General guidelines for application of spray-on stabilizers are given in Appendix A; further studies on various types of soils subject to different conditions may show more effective application procedures.