Creating a Real Wealth Economy
註釋the public does not know that virtually all money in circulation, except coins, is created by private banks out of thin air as debt-money on which we must pay interest and penalties, or that bankers control the money supply and create periods of prosperity, only to follow them with depressions or recessions which allows them to confiscate the real wealth of productive, working people through foreclosures. This system is not in compliance with the US Constitution which, if followed, could have given us a nation free of debt and with sufficient funding for all public and private enterprises with little or no taxation. the beneficiaries of this economic system are the top 1 percent. Here, eleven of the world's leading economists expose the fallacies of the existing system, the greed that motivates it, and show us a variety of proven alternative economic solutions. these include public banking options, the transfer of wealth from megabanks to community banks, the creation of local and regional currencies, more worker-owned and community-owned business, changing the reserve requirements for private banks, replacing the Federal Reserve, which is privately owned, not a government agency, with a Bank of the United States, promoting community caring values, growing the green economy, and creating an international trade currency designed to halt inflation and currency speculation, fund long-term and environmentally conscious businesses, and help third world countries get out of poverty. This book will change your underst and ing of money and debt. these real wealth solutions aren't taught in business schools.