Scaffolding Children's Learning
註釋This book is an effort to introduce early childhood educators to Vygotsky's perspective, research on young children that has been stimulated by this perspective, and current educational practices emanating from it. The discussion is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of Vygotsky's life, the social conditions in which his ideas emerged, and factors influencing the spread of his work. Chapter 2 offers a detailed description of Vygotsky's perspective on development, including the notions of cognition as socially constructed and shared, and language as the critical link between the social and the psychological planes of human functioning. Chapter 3 focuses on Vygotsky's view of the development and significance of children's imaginative or make-believe play. Chapter 4 summarizes Vygotsky's perspective on children with serious learning and behavior problems. Chapter 5 compares Vygotsky's approach to other major theories of child development in this century, clarifying its profound implications for early childhood education. Chapter 6 addresses contemporary applications of Vygotsky's theory to teaching and learning in early childhood classrooms. Finally, chapter 7 considers Vygotsky's theory as a vision for early childhood education--one that resolves the debate over academic versus child-centered programs by advocating responsiveness to children's current capacities in ways that move development forward. Key themes of the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education are summarized. The book includes a glossary of the terms used, three resources on Vygotsky's life and contributions, seven resources on language and thought, and 13 resources on play. Contains approximately 420 references. (AA)