AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, Machine and Statistical Learning : Prediction and Discovery, June 25-29, 2006, Snowbird, Utah
出版American Mathematical Soc., 2007
主題Computers / Artificial Intelligence / GeneralComputers / Machine TheoryMathematics / Probability & Statistics / General
註釋These proceedings feature some of the latest important results about machine learning based on methods originated in Computer Science and Statistics. In addition to papers discussing theoretical analysis of the performance of procedures for classification and prediction, the papers in this book cover novel versions of Support Vector Machines (SVM), Principal Component methods, Lasso prediction models, and Boosting and Clustering. Also included are applications such as multi-level spatial models for diagnosis of eye disease, hyperclique methods for identifying protein interactions, robust SVM models for detection of fraudulent banking transactions, etc. This book should be of interest to researchers who want to learn about the various new directions that the field is taking, to graduate students who want to find a useful and exciting topic for their research or learn the latest techniques for conducting comparative studies, and to engineers and scientists who want to see examples of how to modify the basic high-dimensional methods to apply to real world applications with special conditions and constraints.