Phase-specific Modulation of Soleus H-reflexes is Related to Changes in Joint Kinematics and Segmental Strategy in Perturbed Upright Stance
出版Universität, 2018
註釋Abstract: Anticipation determines the timing and efficiency of human motor performance. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of stimulus anticipation on proactive (prior to the event) and reactive (after the event) postural adjustments in response to perturbations. Postural set was manipulated by providing either (i) predictable, (ii) unpredictable, or (iii) cheated perturbations which require balance corrections to maintain postural stability. In 29 subjects, a protocol of anterior and posterior perturbations was applied for the conditions (i-iii). Center of pressure (COP) displacement, ankle, knee, and hip joint kinematics and electromyographic activity (EMG) of the soleus (SOL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were recorded prior (PRE) and after posterior perturbations. SOL H-reflexes at the peak of the short-, medium- ,and long-latency responses (SLR, MLR, LLR) were assessed. For conditions (i to iii) EMG activity and COP differed prior to perturbation onset (p