A Date With A Bollywood Star/The Proposal Plan
A Date With A Bollywood Star by Roya Lakhani

Bagging an interview with deliciously sexy superstar Omar Khan was the assignment of my dreams – he was my teenage pin–up! But things didn't go so smoothly...

For starters, I was late and fell flat on my face at his feet...ouch! Then the interview I sent to my editor accidentally read like a love letter, and now the whole country knows about my crush – including Omar! And finally, now that I've discovered the real man behind the brooding celebrity, how can I fall for anyone else?!

The Proposal Plan by Charlotte Phillips

Lucy Telford knows all about heartache – her teenage crush on her friend Gabriel Blake was a crash course in unrequited love. But these days she's determined to make her own happy ending... And if her boyfriend won't get down on bended knee, she'll just have to ask him herself!

Step one is enlisting Gabriel's help. As an absolute woman–magnet, surely he can give her some tips on becoming irresistible? But Lucy's perfect plan goes awry when she starts wondering if she's asking the right man to walk her down the aisle...