The Happy Isles
註釋Descriptions of Mer, Yorke, Naghir and Mabuiag Islands; community life; island government; housing; contact history; police, law and order; Torres Strait Infantry; missionaries - London Missionary Society - Papuan Institute; music and dance; role of schools; language - use of English; pearling and mother-of-pearl; beche-de -mer (trepang) and turtle hunting; shell working; catching fish, fish traps, housing, food, recreation, form of government, music, dancing, type of instrument, clothing, education, folklore; Yorke; Housing, handcrafts, interpolation of musical notes explained, clothing, diet, fishing, recreations, trochus fishing, tortoiseshell products, employment, inability to buy liquor; Feast day celebrations described; Darnley; South Sea dance, guitars, hula dancing; Stephens; Adult population 19, general way of life; Moa; Church rule; Thursday; Outline of 1936 strike, weighing in of trochus & pearl shell for despatch; Naghir; Recreations, handcrafts, education, food, housing, sailing, western & native songs; Mabuiag; Housing, mild magic, demography, education, government, dancing & customs, womens dance, drums; stories of Kultut, Tagai, Iruam and Naga; sexual mores; Appendix contains instructions for dance, words of song with Eng. trans. 5 bars music, schoolchildrens dance song on Mabuiag, mens dance on Mabuiag, 5 bars music Eng. trans. & dance instructions; Flying a kite from Naghir, 4 bars music, Eng. words, Steamer lights dance song Coconut Is. 3 bars music Eng. trans. & Kesiria 2 bars music Eng. trans., Murray dance song Eng. trans. Childrens 5 line nonsense rhyme Mabuiag.