Sustainable Production of Wood and Non-wood Forest Products
Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 5 Research Groups 5.11 and 5.12, Rotorua, New Zealand, March 11-12, 2003
出版U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 2004
註釋This proceedings is a collection of 18 papers and extended abstracts based on talks presented at the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) All Division 5 Conference, held in Rotorua, New Zealand, March 1115, 2003. This conference emphasized the many ways that forest products research can contribute to sustainable choices in forest management. The two IUFRO Research Groups represented in this proceedings are the Sustainable Production of Forest Products Research Group (5.12) and the Non-wood Forest Products Research Group (5.11). The papers address many aspects of wood and non-wood forest products including: forest management; product development; economic development implications; local, national, and international protocols; assessments; and research strategies.