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kwestia żydowska w publicystyce Adolfa Nowaczyńskiego na łamach "Myśli Narodowej" (1921-1934) i "Prosto z mostu" (1935-1939) : (na tle porównawczym)
出版Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, 2004
註釋Presents the political program of Endecja and other radical small parties concerning the Jews in Poland in the interwar period, and analyzes articles on this subject in the periodicals "Myśl Narodowa" ("National Thought") and "Prosto z mostu" ("Telling It Like It Is"). Focuses on articles by Adolf Nowaczyński, a gifted writer, journalist, and playwright. Surveys the main motifs of his antisemitic articles, which reflect Endecja's anti-Jewish ideology and its main postulates, e.g. the necessity for total isolation of the Jews politically, economically, and culturally. The Jews were considered the main enemies of the Polish state, and a numerus clausus was demanded. Discusses the contents and form of Nowaczynski's articles in the two journals through the interwar period: the political instability of 1921-25, the Sanacja (1925-35), and the fascist-oriented period after Józef Piłsudski's death (1935-39). Analyzes his articles against a vast background of writings by other publicists, among them Jan Mosdorf and Stanisław Piasecki.