Black Roses

Th e story begins with the lives of two sisters. One is a very good

girl. Judy chooses to live a normal life and has a lovely daughter,

Beth. Th ey are unaware of the disasters that will unfold.

Th e other sister, Sarah pretends to be normal for her sister

and her neice. Yet, she leads a double life. Little does Judy

know, that Sarah is a stripper and a prostitute. She works at an

underground strip club called Tangoes.

Sarah begins to get black roses and threat letters in her

mail box. She gets pulled into a haunted disaster. Suddenly, one

by one her johns are getting murdered and she is one of the

suspects. Suddenly she is afraid for her life and the ones that she

loves are also in danger. She wants to change her life around. She

meets someone who wants her to change for him. She suddenly

is willing to risk everything for transforming her life and fi nding

true love. Destiny reveals itself.