Hiamnda Dictionary

Hiam'nda: Lexicon, Dictionary and thesaurus is a document that contains over seven thousand words in first, the Jaba language or Hiam'nda  - (Hiam Ham), with their definitions in both the Hausa and English languages. However, besides just comm definition of word in the Jaba language, this document attempts to also provide the grammatical aspect of and for the the Jaba language. This is the first attempt to provide a grammatical approach to writing the, ever. This edition also contains, some Bible verses, popular old but also traditional Christian (evangelical) songs translated from the old Hausa hymnal into Hiam'nda;. Furthermore, it also contains, names of some of  some of the topographical (geographical) structures, like rivers, mountains or hills; common names, of people, trees, plants and animal and some short stories and or tales written in hiam Ham. While this book is not, by any stretch of the imagination, exhaustive, nevertheless, it is by far the most comprehensive document that might contain the largest number of words , idioms and idiomatic expression in the language of the Jaba people in Central Nigeria anywhere in the world!