其他書名 | An Inquiry into the Character, Extent and Interpretation of the Mythological Element in New Testament Christology |
出版 | Taylor & Francis, 2025-03-01 |
主題 | Religion / Christian Theology / ChristologyReligion / GeneralReligion / Biblical Studies / New Testament / GeneralReligion / Christian Theology / GeneralReligion / Christian Theology / HistoryReligion / PhilosophyPhilosophy / GeneralReligion / Biblical Studies / GeneralBibles / GeneralReligion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth |
ISBN | 10403136209781040313626 |
URL | http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=17I1EQAAQBAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api |
EBook | SAMPLE |