Why I Wrote This Book
註釋At some point in their life, most people think, "I should write a book." But most people never do it. In this little booklet for would-be nonfiction authors, Allen Taylor shares his insights into why writing a book is a necessity for business professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs. He outlines six clear benefits of having a book with your name on it, but he also emphasizes why not having writing skills is no reason to prevent yourself from receiving those benefits. In his first sentence, he explains why writing this easy-to-read booklet was important--for him and for you: "I wrote this book to show how easy it is to write a book, and to illustrate that you can write one too."As a professional ghostwriter, Taylor has written books for others who are known as the authors of those books. He's also edited books for authors. After delving into why to write a book, he discusses who can write a book and who makes the perfect non-fiction author, the benefits of authorship for people who are already recognized authorities in their fields, and how to get started writing your non-fiction book even if you don't have any writing skills or other book publishing knowledge. "Why I Wrote This Book" is simple and easy to read in one sitting. There's no better introduction to book authorship and its benefits, and nothing more motivational for the business professional longing to be an author.