Allergy Cuisine

ALLERGY CUISINE is all about cooking without the foods that cause and aggravate food allergies, the “Seven Deadly Sins": gluten, dairy, chemical additives, yeast, sugar, aged foods, and miscellaneous food allergens. What’s left to eat? That question is answered here utilizing three approaches that help the reader following:

1. Flexibility: Many people with food allergies wish to avoid chemical additives in animal products, such as hormones, antibiotics, and insecticides, so recipes here are set up vegetarian but designed with the option to add meats, fish, or fowl if one wishes, or if meals are shared with people who eat animal foods.

2. User Friendliness: The person with food allergies wants to know what to eat for breakfast, for lunch, and for dinner—so that’s how the recipes are organized, including a special chapter devoted to holiday menus.

3. Satisfaction: The prevalent attitude seems to be that a book about healthy eating should be devoid of fat, but there’s a conflict with that attitude because fats are what make foods satisfying. Chapter Three, “Fats: No Longer a Four-Letter Word,” outlines the role that essential fatty acids play in healing food allergies and how to use these beneficial fats.