註釋Join the movement to delete cyberbullying and make kindness go viral.
“This authoritative book has the potential to change behavior and influence social media interaction involving both teens and adults . . . Words Wound belongs in every library and classroom, anywhere that a bullied or bullying teen could find it easily and quickly.”—VOYA (Highlighted Review)
Text. Social media. Email. Today’s teens are more plugged in to the digital world than ever. Digital drama and cyberbullying can lead to humiliation, broken friendships, punishment at school, and even legal prosecution.
In some cases, online harassment has contributed to teen suicide.
Written by two experts in cyberbullying prevention, Words Wound is the go-to teen resource for:
  • staying safe
  • being respectful
  • spreading kindness
  • standing up for others—online and off
From simple strategies—like thinking twice before tweeting, texting, or tagging—to ideas that involve teamwork—like organizing a flash mob to spread an anti-bullying message—the book helps students be the primary agents of change.
With dozens of real-life stories from those who have experienced cyberbullying, Words Wound speaks directly to teens who are being cyberbullied, seeing cyberbullying, or who want to do something to build safer, more respectful and more welcoming schools.
This book empowers young people by giving them the tools they need to keep themselves safe online, protect their digital reputations, and make their schools and their communities kinder places.