PROCEEDINGS The 4th International Conference on Basic Sciences 2018
The Development of Sciences and Technology in Improving Natural and Cultural Resources
出版Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Pattimura Ambon, 2019-05-19
主題Education / Research

 Welcome Message from the Chairman of ICBS 2018


On behalf of the organizing committee, it is a great pleasure to welcome all the participants and keynote speakers to the 4th International Conference Basic Science (ICBS) 2018 at the Pattimura University Ambon, Indonesia with theme "The Development of Science and Technology in Improving Natural and Cultural Resources".


This theme aims to discuss the role of science and technology in increasing the use of natural resources and cultural development in the Maluku islands. This international forum also provides a platform where national and international academia or researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders to translate technology, exchange ideas, and help stimulate multidisciplinary international collaborations in a convergent-manner for shaping a worldwide sustainable development. It is worth noting that, the 4thICBS event genuinely highlights the important of convergence of basic science research to address world’s sustainability challenges.


The conference was attended by invited speakers from Hochschule Nordhausen University Germany; Kumamoto University, Japan; Indonesian Parrot Project; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia. There are250 participants, with poster participants 19 articles, oral presentations 51 articles and 185 non-presenter participants.This proceedings only contain 15 articles because the others has been selected to publish in international journal.


We would like to acknowledge the terrific support of proceedings editorial team and reviewers in managing this proceedings book. We also would like to thank all participants who present their academic works in the 4th ICBS 2018, and especially to our distinguished invited speakers for their collaboration and contribution for the success of the 4thICBS 2018.



Diana Julaidy Patty, S.Si., M.Sc

Chairman of the committee



Welcome Message from the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Salam Sejahtera bagi kita semua.

Om Swastiastu.

Namo Buddhaya.


On behalf of the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pattimura, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all delegates from all over the world. Welcome to Ambon–the city of music –in Indonesia. Ambon, surrounds by a hundred islands has many tourist destinations, highlands, mountains, and some natural beaches.


We are very pleased to welcome you in the proceedings book of the 4th International Conference Basic Sciences2018. This proceedings is one of the continuations for the conference. Based on these papers, hopefully, more collaborations can be initiated or should be followed up between us. I would like to express my gratitude to all of the participants, keynote and invited speakers as well. Many thanks go to the reviewers and the editorial team for their big effort in supporting this book. My appreciation to the steering and organizing committees for realizing this book.


Thank you


Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr wb.

Prof. Dr. Pieter Kakisina, S.Pd.,M.Si

Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences