Little Girl Revenge
註釋Bonnie is just a girl trapped in a place that she doesn't want to be, living a life that isn't hers. She wants to break free from her captivity and see the world beyond the gates. In Bonnie's world, only two places exist, inside the wall and outside the wall. Inside, she knows that there has to be more. Outside the wall is freedom. Freedom is worth more than anything Bonnie decides and when a chance encounter becomes her last hope, she finds herself an ally. But her desire to leave might just cost her everything. Lila is running; from her past and her future. After enduring the brutal death of her daughter Cassie at the hands of someone she loved, she flees her home to seek sanctuary from the horrors of her past. Lila desperately wants to find her daughter's killer and bring him to justice, but just how far will she go? Through the eyes of Bonnie, Lila rediscovers what it means to be part of the compound life and the horrors that come with it. Is Lila destined to be Bonnie's saviour or become the one in need of saving? Little Girl Revenge is the second book in the Little Girl Dead Series.