I Could Have Quit $7,000,000 Ago!
註釋The Most Powerful Financial Opportunity in the WorldAverage people around the world are turning a few hours a week and small sums of money into a huge home-based business that pays them every month for the rest of their lives Regardless of your career -- homemaker, doctor, salesperson, policeman or retail clerk, etc. -- do you ever find yourself exhausted from it all?Do you ever think, There has got to be an easier way...?These people have discovered their way with Nutrition For Life:
-- A truck driver with a 6th grade education, who implemented these secrets, now earns a monthly five-figure income and has quit driving a truck.
-- A 30-year government employee not even making $2,000 a month, now makes a high, monthly four-figure income with Nutrition For Life.
-- A now-retired Amish farmer used Nutrition For Life to make well over six-figures in one year
-- Several doctors now earn more every month in Nutrition For Life than they do in their practices and are out from under the limitations of the health insurance system.
-- A widow now makes a sizable monthly income and her daughter has been able to graduate from college Debt Free
-- A pastor has been able to fund a significant amount of overseas missionary work through his Nutrition For Life business.Daley Maloney could have quit $7,000,000.00 ago -- he had every reason to: a poor childhood, polio at 18, no college degree, $350,000 in debt, evicted at age 47 for his inability to pay $425 rent, and countless other challenges. He reveals how, with little money, he created a fortune in Nutrition For Life and how you can, too. Today, Dayle is an international leader in the industry and recognized as Mr. MLM.