Public Education about Cancer
International Union against Cancer. Committee on Public Education
Michael S. Goodstadt
Research Findings and Theoretical Concepts
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 1967
Medical / General
Medical / Family & General Practice
Medical / Oncology / General
Medical / Preventive Medicine
Medical / Public Health
Medical / Practice Management & Reimbursement
This monograph is essentially the outcome of corporate endeavour on the part of members of the Committee on Public Education of the International Union against Cancer, from the decision taken in September 1963, via a lengthy and arduous rework ing of the first draft in Philadelphia in 1964 to its final editorial meeting in September 1965. In between there has been a continuous exchange of ideas, suggestions, advice and material for inclusion. Nevertheless, as chairman I should be remiss if I did not acknowledge the Committee's indebtedness to Mr. MICHAEL S. GOOD STADT, formerly of the University of Manchester, who worked with me in Manchester and undertook the painstaking search of sources of published information and compiled the draft on which this monograph is based. If there are omissions from the bibliography, it is not for want of industry in seeking them out: our difficulty has been to obtain original material from certain sources. We hope that the material assembled here will both offer useful guidance to those engaged in public education about cancer and provide a baseline from which future research in this neglected field may stem. Committee on Public Education International Union Against Cancer Chairman: JOHN WAKEFIELD, U. K. Members: Dr F. DE AMESTI, Chile, Mr. A. J. BROWN, Australia, Dr. J. COURTIAL, France, Mr. T. CRAMER, Denmark, Dr. L. MEINSMA, The Netherlands, Dr. R. A. MUSTARD, Canada, Dr. L. V. ORLOVSKY, U. S. S. R. , Dr. J. C.