Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete
註釋This new edition represents collaboration among orthopaedists, physical therapists, and athletic trainers. It reviews the rehabilitation needs for all types of sports injuries, stressing the treatment of the entire kinetic chain with various exercises. Chapters have been extensively revised, featuring new concepts and techniques. The 3rd edition of Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete includes new chapters including Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control (Ch. 8), Cervical Spine Rehabilitation (Ch. 16), Functional Training and Advanced Rehabilitation (Ch. 10), and Plyometrics (Ch. 11), with new contributors and new features, such as summary boxes and tables.
  • New and updated information for orthopaedists, athletic trainers and physical therapists comprehensively give an up-to-date and practical guide for rehabilitating athletes
  • Updated chapters with the most current rehabilitation information that effectively gets the athlete back on the field as quickly as possible
  • Fast access to appropriate information using summary tables and boxes and pearls from each chapter author
  • New information on cervical spine rehabilitation, proprioception, and female athletes
  • Very readable, the text is complemented by many illustrations and diagrams that provide particular benefit during the discussion on specific exercises -- JOSPT
  • Each chapter is well-referenced and easy to read ... excellent pictures ... many unique exercises are described and demonstrated throughout the text, which even experienced clinicians can gain insight from -- JOSPT