Over 100 Easy Things You Can Do to Please Our Heavenly Abba God Almighty Forever in Yahshua (Jesus) Name
If the Lord Will If We Shall Live We Shall Do This or That.. Amen
出版WestBow Press, 2022-05-04
主題Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational

This is the work, the Abba and Jesus bless me to do. I feed the hungry. I clothe the naked with God and Jesus’ help. I go to city trend and buy up as many boots and coats I can buy in Lafayette Indiana for the poor, When they mark them down to $3.

I talk to my family and the strangers about God every day. I visit the sick and prisoners. I buy someone and all day bus pass for $2 when I can. When I order me a coat and boots, I order a coat and boots for the poor.