The Centre for Child Law commissioned this study by Cornerstone Economic
Research, to track school infrastructure spending and delivery. The
report, written by Carmen Abdoll and Conrad Barberton, makes the
concerning finding that the national Department of Basic Education has
woefully underspent the School Infrastructure Backlog grant for two
years running. In 2011/2012 spending was a little over 10 per cent and
only at 23 per cent in 2012/2013 at the end of the third quarter. The
ASIDI target for the number of schools to be built in 2011/2012 and
2012/2013 was 49. However, only 10 had been completed by the end of the
first year. They predict that if the DBE continues at the same delivery
rate, a realistic timeframe for the eradication of schools with
inappropriate structures is probably 2023/24. They make recommendations
which, if followed, could shorten the delay significantly.
This study shows the importance of monitoring and evaluating progress
against court orders and out of court settlements, to ensure that the
right to a basic
education is made real.