This book is written with accurate biblical hermeneutics, The scriptural references are in context and Interpretations are based on the author’s intention of meaning; historically, grammatically, culturally as well as conventions and literary forms. We understand the natural instinct to oppose what seems to be coming against inculcated norms but someone took the first bold step in receiving the set norms that be now.
Moses was openhearted to receive God’s fresh move of the time and the disciples of Jesus were openhearted to discern the ‘Moses move’ was over and a new chapter had begun in Christ. The Pharisees did not give the revelation of Jesus a chance; hindering the fresh move of God from hitting a higher scale & making master-impact. We therefore ask you to be one of the first that would receive what God is saying now -through this book and have an open minded read. We are open to hear your thoughts. You are welcome to disagree. Pastor John wrote this book in good conscience not to cause conflict or appear superior above anyone but in pure love for the Body of Christ and The Church of Jesus to know their true positioning and gain greater spiritual victories.
God bless you