Two Tears
註釋Fiona's head was spinning. The sudden illness, bombshell confession, and subsequent death of her beloved husband Bob left Fiona struggling to carry on. She couldn't stand to be in the company of anyone. She couldn't stand to be alone. Fiona longed to get away and, deep in her heart of hearts, she longed for a second chance at life. In the days following Bob's funeral, Fiona found the opportunity she was looking for: tickets for the cruise she and Bob had booked in the weeks before he took ill. Her family disapproved, but Fiona was steadfast. She would travel alone on the cruise she planned to take with her husband. The cruise would prove to be a fateful journey. On the cruise Fiona met June, another solo traveler who, like Fiona, grew up in the U.K. and, much to Fiona's delight, shared many of the life experiences that Fiona herself cherished. Over their evening meals, midnight coffees, and explorations into the world's most exotic ports of call the pair became fast friends. All the while a nagging suspicion blossoms into a full-blown mystery as the uncanny parallels between June's life and Fiona's own life continue to emerge. The realization that at which Fiona eventually arrives is one that will resolve conflicts in her past, change forever her perspective on the love and life she shared with her husband, and bring Fiona the consolation she so desperately craves, the consolation she needs to carry her into her next chapter of life. Two Tears is a fictitious story of love and friendship wrapped up in the personal history of its author. It's a journey through history and, at the same time, it's a journey through a diverse landscape of emotions and foreign lands.