
CHAPTER 1: Approachin g the Subject of Chan ge in North Korea

1. Definition of Change 6

2. Perspectives of Change 11


CHAPTER 2: Changing North Korea

1. Marketization of the Economy 26

2. External Cultural Influence 37

3. Change in the People’'s Value System 48


CHAPTER 3: Unchan ging North Korea

1. One-Person Dictatorship and Hereditary Power Succession 62

2. Market Control and Currency Reform 72

3. State Control Over the People and Violations of Human Rights 83

4. North Korea’'s Policy Towards South Korea 100

5. Development of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Brinkmanship Tactics 111


CHAPTER 4: Prospects for Chan ge

1. Drivers of Change 122

2. Inhibitors of Change 129

3. Assessment and Prospects for The Future 136