The Factorial Analysis of Human Ability
註釋Recoge: Part I: The analysis of tests: I. The theory of two factors -- II. Multiplace-factor analysis -- III. The sampling theory -- IV. The geometrical picture -- V. Hotelling's "principal components"--Part II: The estimation of factors: VI. Estimation and the pooling square -- VII. The estimation of factors by regression -- VIII. Maximizing and minimizing the specifics -- Part III: The influence of sampling and selection of the persons: IX. Sampling error and the theory of two factors -- X. Multiplace-factor analysis with fallible data -- XI. The influence of univariate selection of factorial analysis -- XII. The influence of multivariate selection -- Part IV: Correlations between persons: XIII. Reversing the rôles -- XIV. The relation between test factors and person factors -- Part V: The interpretation of factors: XV. The definition of "g" -- XVI. "Orthogonal simple structure" -- XVII. Limits to the extent of factors -- XVIII. Oblique factors, and criticisms -- XIX. Second-order factors -- XX. The sampling of bonds -- XXI. The maximum likelihood method of estimating factor loadings -- XXII. Some fundamental questions.