Reading the Qur'an in English
註釋The unique beauty and richness of Islam's sacred book calls out for it to be read and enjoyed by all. To be open to following the structural logic of the Qur'an, Western expectations about the use of narrative, description and dialogue should be set aside. Robert Campbell provides this introductory guide to help readers experience the Qur'an on its own terms. Following his guidance, in conjunction with reading an English language version of the Qur'an, can reveal a great deal about the nature of Islam and about how the Qur'an compares with other Abrahamic scriptures. Robert Campbell, PhD, has taught and lectured on various aspects of religion in university classrooms as well as in public settings. His published articles appear in such journals as the Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion and The Leadership Quarterly.